Some Useful Care Industry Events and their Dates

Useful Care Industry Events and their Dates
- Dignity Action
- Nutrition and Hydration Week March
- Global Tea Party March
- Arthritis Care Awareness Week
- Dementia Awareness Week, Scotland May
- Dementia Awareness Week May
- National Care Home Open Day
- Carers Week June
- Diabetes Awareness Week June
- World Alzheimer’s Month June
- Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Week June
- National Dementia Carers Day September
- World Alzheimer’s Month September
- National Grandparents Day September
- Hypo Awareness Week
- Ageing Safely Week - Chief Fire Officers Association September - October
- Age UK ITea and Biscuits Week
- Older People's Day October
- National Arthritis Week October
- International Day of Olders Persons / National Older People’s day October
- International Infection Prevention Week 19 to 25 October
- World Diabetes Day November
- Carers' Rights Day November