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Arthritis - The Health Terms we should all know

Some of the health terms you might hear when you are diagnosed with Arthritis are shown below. It’s also important to understand that there are 3 types of arthritis: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout. Osteoarthritis is the most common form. Osteoarthritis tends to bother you when you use your joints on a regular basis. For more information on Osteoarthritis, please click on the weblinks below: NHS Osteoarthritis Versus Arthritis - Osteoarthritis Whilst anyone can develop Osteoarthritis, when diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis there is much more of a genetic component. Also, any joint can be involved, and more commonly it affects the hands, wrists, or feet—and is often symmetrical. For more information on Osteoarthritis, please click here. Unlike Osteoarthritis, which might just affect one knee, or one elbow, or one hip. Gout is the 3rd form. It occurs when uric acid builds up and deposits crystals in the joint. Mostly commonly detected in the big toe, it’s inflammatory and extremely painful. For more information on Gout, please click here. Here’s a list of arthritis-related terms that are helpful to know: · Osteoarthritis: a joint disease that progresses over time and causes the breakdown of cartilage; the most common form of arthritis. · Rheumatoid arthritis: an inflammatory form of arthritis. · Juvenile arthritis: chronic joint inflammation that sadly affects children.

For more information on Juvenile arthritis, please click here. · Gout: painful swelling in a joint caused by a build-up of uric acid that causes deposits in the joint; it often shows up as extremely acute pain in the big toe.

· Joint: a place where 2 bones come together. · Fibromyalgia: an arthritis-related condition that causes fatigue and muscle pain. For more information on Fibromyalgia, please click here. · Synovium: the membrane that lines a joint · Nodule: a solid or raised bump · Rheumatologist: a doctor with specialised training in treating joints, bones, and the immune system · Corticosteroid: a drug that suppresses the inflammation · Cartilage: the smooth covering on the ends of bones · Tendinitis: inflammation of the cord-like structure that connects muscle to bone; it can cause pain in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee or ankle. For more information on Tendinitis, please click here. · Bursitis: pain resulting from the swollen tissue, or sac, around the moving parts of your body, such as bones, muscles and tendons For more information on Bursitis, please click here.

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