30 ways to help reduce your energy use and save money

30 ways to reduce your energy use and save money 1. Insulate cavity walls - Solid walls are much more expensive to insulate 2. Lay mineral wool under your floorboards 3. Fill any gaps in the floor or skirting board 4. Fit a letter box flap... 5. Fit keyhole cover 6. Fit foil behind radiators on solid walls 7. Insulate loft to 270mm 8. Increase loft insulation from 50mm to 270mm Aged 70+ and/or on benefits? Loft & Cavity wall insulation could be free from your energy provider 9. Fit draught proofing around doors/windows 10. Add insulating lining to curtains and draw at night 11. Fit a roller blind behind a Roman blind. Or Line curtains and put a blind behind. 12. Fit a hot-water tank jacket 13. Set the tank’s thermostat at 60 degrees Celsius 14. Take a shower, instead of a bath, 15. Insulate hot water pipes 16. Fit balloon in unused chimney to stop heat going up 17. Turn off lights! 18. Replace your old kettle with an Eco-kettle 19. Replace old G-rated boiler with A-rated condensing boiler with heating controls 20. Replace single-glazed windows with double glazing You can research this by using the GGF energy-saving calculator via: www.ggf.co.uk 21. Turn heating thermostat down by 1% If you keep your bedrooms at 18-degrees Celsius and the living areas at 21 degrees. 22. Machine wash clothes at 30 degrees Celsius 23. Do not leave appliances on standby 24. Energy-saving light-bulbs 25. Buy an energy-saving washing machine 26. Energy-saving dishwasher 27. Energy-saving fridge/freezer 28. Dry clothes outside 29. Fit an energy monitor 30. Buy A+++ appliances Costs for heating and hot water are about as much as 60% of energy bills. The figures on this page come from The Energy Saving Trust. But they are only approximates - individual costs will vary widely. Seek professional advice on all major measures, and get three quotes. Grants may be available: for information visit www.energysavingtrust.org.uk, or call on: 0800 512 012.