What to do when writing your Will
Do you need any help or advice when thinking about YOUR future? GET A WILL WRITTEN Do you know that you need a full, legally sound will in place in order to ensure that your loved ones are bequeathed your estate when you die? For example, the term ‘estate’ actually means a lot more than just the money you have in the bank and any savings: This could also be your home, if you are a home owner, plus any additional properties you might be lucky enough to own, the value of any life assurance policy/ies you may have and also all your personal effects/belongings such as any jewellery or family heir looms. With that in mind, it’s important to speak with a professional will writer so that you have a legacy in place. Avoid the cheaper online websites and leave it to the experts by seeing a fully accredited will writer and take somebody you know and trust to act as a witness as signatures are usually required. And before you agree to proceed, find and get legal advice.

The Society of Will Writers are fully trained professionals who can provide both specialist and expert estate management and indemnity insurance. Furthermore, they are the UK’s leading body of will writers. Prepare a will and plan ahead for YOUR peace of mind. A staggering 1 in 3 die without leaving a will. However, creating a will can be very easy, simple and straightforward. Why we all need a will Many of us assume our partner will automatically inherit everything when we die, But if you are married with children and live in England or Wales, your partner is only entitled to the first £250,000 of your estate, and only half the remainder thereafter. And your children get the remainder of what is left. Without a will, the laws of intestacy decide who gets what, and it may not be what you expected or took for granted. Challenging any decision means a potentially lengthy probate process, which is the last thing your family will want at this time. Any money you leave to charity in your will is free of inheritance tax. Helpful Tips
Check qualifications: If you need to know about Inheritance tax, always check and ensure your solicitor has the necessary training and qualifications.
Stay up-to-date. Always amend your will if your situation or circumstances change.
If using a will writer check what procedures they have in place to deal with any disputes that may arise between beneficiaries.
As your bank questions. If a bank is writing your will, check how this bank is regulated, as Will writing is not covered by Financial Services Authority (FSA) guidelines.
Or Do It Yourself Online
Writing and creating your own will online can if done correct can save you both time and money (however some banks can charge as much as up to 5% of the value of your estate). However, if you own your own business or foreign property or want to avoid Inheritance Tax only use a company that: Employs professional will writers to help you, either online or via the post. Offers a free trial period. Does not send the will via email. Lets you save all your work ongoing and finish it at a later date when you are 100% happy with the will. Provides you with FREE updates to the will should you want to change it – as your circumstances change. Funeral Arrangements Sadly we will all die and will all have our day, and so we need to prepare for our funeral or burial expenses. If you do not arrange your funeral in advance, all the necessary costs will be subtracted from the value of your estate. A prepaid funeral, allows you not only to prepare but plan every detail in advance – from choosing your Funeral Director to the church service you would most like to have. For these reasons this is the best option as it gives you: Less Hassle – as your grieving family members are spared the trouble and expense of organising and arranging a funeral. Peace of mind – your family can plan the funeral service that you wanted, rather then guess and hope that this is what you would want. Saves money – Paying in advance is a safeguard against rising inflation. 5 way helpful ways to stay positive when grieving Confide in your family – they know you best, and want what is best for you. The likelihood is that they know your moods, so will give you space and room to grieve if you need it. You are not alone, so let your family (and friends) help you. Find a focus – this could be your children, work or even a hobby. It is important for you to feel, believe and know that other great things are still in your life. Look after yourself – You might not feel like it , but treating yourself to a pampering day with friends could be just the answer you are looking for. Express your feelings - Don’t hold anything inside. Whether it is talking to friends, writing a diary or blog or even joining a support group via your GP, it is always better to communicate how you are feeling. Look to your future – Holidays, birthdays and personal goals – all of these things help ensure the healing process and are all worth celebrating.