Care Charities & Organisations - Useful Links

Care Charities & Organisations - Useful Links
Action on Elder Abuse United Kingdom charitable organization giving help and information about the abuse of older people. Counsel & Care Charity giving advice and information to older people, their relatives and carers across the UK. Includes care home guides. CareAware CareAware is a non profit making public information and advisory service specialising in elderly care funding advice in the UK. The British Geriatrics Society British Geriatrics professional association of medical professionals interest in elderly medical care Alzheimer Scotland Alzheimer Scotland is Scotland's leading voluntary organisation helping people with dementia and their carers and families. Contact the Elderly Contact the Elderly , charity organisation to aid the elderly Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) The Social Care Institute for Excellence's purpose is to collect and synthesise up- to-date knowledge about what works in social care Crossroads Care Crossroads Care provides support services to carers in their own home. Find out how the charity helps carers in England and Wales Dementia Action Alliance Dementia Action Alliance is made up of over 90 organisations committed to transforming the quality of life of people living with dementia in the UK Age Page The Age Page is a blog that aggregates articles, research, attitudes and thinking about the elderly and their place in society in the UK Age UK Age UK provides information and advice for the elderly about benefits, care, age discrimination and computer courses. Age-Net Age-Net is the UK's premier entertainment and information site for the Over 40's. Anchor Anchor is the largest provider of retirement housing, care homes and support for older people throughout England Campaign to End Loneliness Campaign to End Loneliness help people to maintain and create personal connections in their later life. We draw on research and inspiration from across the country to offer information etc CareDirections The internet's guide to care and the rights of older people in the UK CareUK Care UK is a care provider offering quality health care including Residential care & GP medical practice Ceartas Ceartas, since 2008, has provided independent professional advocacy to all adult community care groups in East Dunbartonshire Citizens Online Citizens Online is a registered charity established to explore the social and cultural impact of the Internet on society Elizabeth Finn Care Elizabeth Finn Care is a UK charity that helps people in financial need through grants and access to wider income support ExtraCare The ExtraCare Charitable Trust provides a modern affordable alternative to nursing homes and care homes. Fifty Connect The lifestyle portal for today's over 50s covering Travel, Health, Entertainment, Dating, Leisure, Work, Money & Retirement, Home and Family and more Friends of the Elderly Friends of the Elderly provides a combination of nursing, residential and dementia care. Information on clubs, nursing homes and donation information Grace Care Grace Care Advisers will help you choose the best care home option to suit you and your relative's needs and wishes HousingCare A charity run site providing free info & advice on elderly care in the UK, specialising in retirement homes & care homes. Free telephone advice line. Independent Age Independent Age is a charity, providing lifelong support to older people on very low incomes. We offer support, advice and information Independent Living Independent Living is the place for impartial information about products and services to help with mobility and independence National Benevolent Fund for the Aged Charity for the aged that provide services and improve the quality of life for the elderly and older people in the UK who live on a low income Over 65 Magazine New online magazine for the Over 65s British Society for Research on Ageing The British Society for Research on Ageing (BSRA) promotes research to understand the causes and effects of the ageing process The Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme RSVP is a free standing programme within CSV, which encourages the growing number of those aged 50+ to volunteer in their local area in England, Scotland and Wales Seniors Network Seniors Network provides information on pensions, health, leisure and campaigns. Society for the Assistance of Ladies in Reduced Circumstances Provide grants for women in need Solicitors for the Elderly Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE) is an independent, national organisation of lawyers, such as solicitors, barristers, and legal executives who provide specialist legal advice for older and vulnerable people, their families and carers. ukselfhelp Self Help UK is a free searchable database of over 1000 self help organisations and support groups across the UK. That provide support, guidance and advice