Care for Carers
Eat and sleep properly and always stay hydrated. Without these, you won’t be able to handle all of the every day, ongoing challenges. ...

Attendance Allowance - getting the help you need to help stay in your home
Attendance Allowance is a valuable and extremely helpful benefit that supports older people to live independently in their own homes....

Dementia: Signs, symptoms and some ways to help reduce risk
Signs and symptoms of dementia - He or she may forget details or even an entire event. For instance, he or she may not be able to recall...

Ways to connect with your loved one who has Dementia
There are almost 1 million people in the UK who are affected and living with Dementia. With these figures only expected to increase....

Too many scams!! Bank Cards or Bogus tradesmen!! Can we avoid them?
I have read numerous newspaper and online reports of people who have found themselves victims of bank card scams. It is depressing...

Signs that someone living with dementia may be at risk of wandering
Some of the signs that a person with dementia may be at risk of wandering can be: He or she tries or wants to "go home" even when they...

Do you suffer with Arthritis? Here's how to be safe in your bathroom
The aim is to make your bathroom as safe as possible and to minimise all possible stress on your joints. Apparently, on average we use...

Daily Living Aids designed to help make life easier
For anyone with limited mobility, 7 days can sometimes be a long week and during this week, you face some everyday challenges. Therefore,...

Some Useful Care Industry Events and their Dates
Useful Care Industry Events and their Dates - Dignity Action - Nutrition and Hydration Week March - Global Tea Party ...

How to stop nuisance calls
How to stop nuisance calls from organisations that are selling or offering something you don’t want! Another issue that I hear a lot...