The risk of falling increases with dementia
Sadly those who are suffering with a dementia related disease will eventually develop an unsteady gait, whereby the sufferer will hardly...
The Warning Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Could your hand or foot pain be caused by rheumatoid arthritis (RA)? Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a serious autoimmune disease that is...
The clocks have gone back and the nights are getting dark faster
The clocks went back on October 26th and the nights are starting to get dark faster. With this I am afraid, and according to the ONS, it...
HOW IS BMI CALCULATED? The most widely used way to measure an adult's weight is to calculate body mass index (BMI). This is your weight...
How can I get someone living with Dementia to drink more?
The best solution I read is to use small glasses . A 4 ounce glass or smaller is ideal. As they are easier to hold, are lighter and so...
Getting your Gas & Electric Meter reading right
There are a number of things you can do about your Utilities bill/statement and one thing is to ensure is that the meter is read...
Communication helps prevent infections in dementia patients
For those of you who care for those who have dementia already know, the condition can have consequences that go way beyond memory loss....
The winter chill is almost upon us
The winter chill is almost upon us and this can literally lead to households being left out in the cold suffering boiler breakdowns and...
Tips for managing Arthritis Pain
Tips to relieve Arthritis pain Arthritis is the inflammation (or stress) of a joint - resulting from a disease, infection, genetic...